Sunday, September 23, 2007

Back to School

Back to School Album 2007

Both the girls had their first couple of days of school for the year. Piper goes to Infant Preschool on Thursdays with Mama. She was a bit shell shocked by the big classroom filled with toys at first, but she has gotten used to it. Now, she climbs onto everything, including the younger children, and loves the songs.

Audrey goes to Pre-3's Preschool on Mondays with Mama and Wednesdays by herself. Audrey's teacher and Barney Bear came for a visit to our house before school got started. She got a big kick out of that. Audrey spends a lot of time painting, and in the home center. She has also discovered the trains and puzzles. This week we're responsible for snack. So, with the help of Mimi, Audrey made mini blueberry muffins for all her friends.

Both the girls love school and we're off to a great start. We hope you have a great school year too!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Summer Fun

Summer Album

Here are some random pictures from this summer. Some of them were taken on my phone, so the picture quality is not so good. The summer went by too fast and the rain has already started.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Piper on the Move

Piper's on the move. She's been crawling and pulling her self up for the past couple of weeks. I can't seem to get my stuff together to take a movie, so this slide show will have to do. As you can see, she's quite determined to get where and what she wants. So far, this has only been a problem when she sees the bathroom door open and goes after the cat food.